The claimants details have been changed but this is indeed a true case
Phil Mulryne acted for Mr E to pursue a claim for personal injuries and consequential losses following an accident which took place during the course of Mr E’s employment.
Mr E was employed as a warehouse operative. His colleagues had asked for his assistance when they had encountered a problem loading a trailer.
He walked towards the trailer which was positioned at the loading dock and fell between the rear of the trailer and the dock itself due the fact that the plate that would normally bridge the gap had been removed.
He fell feet first into the gap and he struck the left side of his chest on the trailer floor. As well as injuring his chest he sustained cuts and bruises to his right leg and left forearm. He was taken to the local hospital where he underwent X-rays. There was also a concern that he had sustained some fractured ribs.
Mr E was in significant pain and discomfort for a period of around 4 weeks. although his symptoms gradually improved and settled within a period of 3 months.
Mr E was off work for a period of 4 weeks and lost earnings during this period to include the loss of attendance bonus.
The claim was submitted to Mr E’s employers and liability for the accident was conceded.
Due to a failure to put forward settlement proposals a Court action was commenced whereupon an offer of £2,100 was put forward in settlement of the claim which represented around £1,400 personal injury damages together with loss of earnings and additional expenses.
The settlement offer was rejected and counter-settlement proposals were put forward. Settlement was eventually reached in the global sum of £2,400 which included £1,700 for personal injuries.