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How should Wills, Trusts, Estates or Inheritance Disputes be approached?

Wills & Probate

We can help you in relation to the following:

  • Contesting a will (whether it be unfair, invalid, fraudulent, lost or destroyed)
  • Helping with a claim against an estate under the Intestacy Rules where someone has passed away without making a will
  • Disputing your share of an inheritance where it is unjust, unfair, inappropriate or insignificant under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975
  • Challenging the Trustees’ and Executors’ approach to the estate; attempting to resolve any issues or disputes with Trustees and Executors; where appropriate replacing Trustees and Executors
  • Stopping assets being distributed until matters are resolved
  • Bringing a claim to enforce unfulfilled promises regarding an inheritance


This is a very complex area of law where expert advice on wills and probate matters is very important. Call or email us now. We can talk to you about the best approach to take and also about funding, such as no win, no fee and legal expense insurance funding.


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