Trusted providers of legal services for over 70 years

Annemarie Ellis-Percival

Personal Injury Lawyer

After working in the public sector for a number of years, Anne Marie decided to retrain in the legal field and now has over 15 years experience. She decided to focus on Personal Injury due to its varied and interesting scope of work.

Anne Marie has had experience of many types of claims and has dealt with a variety of clients over the years. She has particular experience however in dealing with accidents at work and tripping/slipping claims.

One area of her job which she particularly enjoys is meeting with and speaking to the various people who have had accidents.

Says Anne Marie “I find talking to all the different sorts of people that I encounter very interesting and I enjoy finding out about their lives and how an accident has affected them so that I can get the best possible compensation for them.”

“I find being able to help and make a difference to those that have been injured extremely rewarding and it always gives me sense of satisfaction when I am able to obtain a fair and just settlement for those who have been injured due to someone else’s negligence”.

In her spare time Anne Marie enjoys films, reading, travelling and socialising with friends and family.


career highlight:
Winning at trial on a high value case where liability had been vehemently disputed for a long time. It was a hard fought case. The Defendant had several witnesses against our client and we only had one independent witness. However, the judge believed our client. She had been hit whilst on a pedestrian crossing by a driver who had been going too fast as he was late for a flight. She sustained serious leg injuries and her grandson who was in a pushchair was also injured.

Notable Cases

Annemarie's Case Studies

Road Defect Causes Fall – results in £5k Compensation

Personal Injury

£30k compensation for personal injury caused by a tripping hazard at work

Personal Injury

£40k Personal Injury Compensation for Knee Injury

Personal Injury

Compensation Following Slip on Ice

Personal Injury

Compensation for Pavement Trip

Personal Injury

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